Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Grandma's Funeral

Last Saturday was Josh's Grandmas funeral, and even though it was a time for sympathy, I think we all enjoyed ourselves. Believe it or not I met more family members of Josh's that I have never met yet. Whatta wonderful family I married into! We caught up with the times that have passed and Emaree played till she dropped with cousins. We all sat and took some family photos. Here are just a few...

The first one all the the way

to the left is Josh's mom and his Dad is sitting right behind her

The next picture is all of Grandma's Grandkids and their spouses--- Then

you put them all together with our kids and you get this...

I also captured a really cool photo of the ALMOST sunset on the way to Grandma's Visitation on Friday night.

So although it was a funeral it turned out very nice! Grandma William's will be missed. She sure made a beautiful family...I must say!