Monday, April 28, 2008

Here we are!

It has been a long time coming, but I've made it thus far...

How cool to look back and see where I once was and where I am at now.

A beautiful Family... An awesome job...

A Home!

I Love my life right now. I have made my own, with the help of my higher power of course.

The other day Josh and I took the girls to the zoo...

We had an awesome time. Ashlee got to play with

some of the birds and Emaree just loves all the


This year my Mom and Dad bought me very own "Cascading Peach Tree". You are supposed to
hang your troubles and worries on it before you
walk into your home. It gets some use out of it!
There are some other
things I want to share with you guys
who are reading this
But I want to have some more time to be able to do that.
so until next time when I have a chance away from kids and Josh
I will spend a little more time on this
and keep you guys updated.


Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

WOO HOO! I LOVE BLOGS! I can't wait to read about your weekly antics and continue to watch your kids grow...the internet has allowed us to stay close despite the vast distance between us!

love you kell ;)

Krystal: Wife, Mom, Former Sleeper said...

more, more, more, we want more blogs!